Friday, February 24, 2012

Misheard Lyrics

I don't know if this ever happens to anyone else, but I selfishly often prefer my own subconsciously created misheard lyrics to the real ones.  Two examples I can think of:

In "A Salty Salute", by Guided by Voices, the opening line "Dis' on the sexless" might have been the most amazing album opening line in music.  Alien Lanes is such an in your face, uncaring album - it's sounds like there's not an ounce of effort in it, and adding insult to injury just seems to fit right in.  It says "Disarm the settlers" in the liner notes, which I imagine to be a) Bob writing meaningless BS into the lyrics or b) some reference to alcoholism of some sort.

Also, in Superchunk's "Hyper Enough", I always thought that the line in the first verse went "if it weren't for the flashlight shining in my face, mediocritist", which I really liked, because mediocritist isn't even a word, but it definitely should be.  "Maybe I could resist" is also a pretty decent line, and definitely fits into the song, but the concept of mediocritism just attracts me for some reason.  Thinking about it, "Hyper Enough" is a kind of interesting song to think about.  What does it mean? I don't know that Mac McCaughan really could be any more upbeat.

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